Aromatherapy massage provides a  natural and organic solution to your needs

We offer personalised care and mobile consultations and massages in your own home with professional and certified aromatherapists.


The purpose of an aromatherapy massage is not so much to physically work out all the kinks and sore spots in your body, but to use the restorative power of essentials oils to balance and relax both body and mind.

Essential Oils are powerful plant extracts that have many healing and beneficial properties,  your therapist will conduct a short consultation with you before the massage in order to assess where you’re at emotionally, as well as checking in on any aches, pains, sensitivities, aroma preferences and allergies. Following that, your therapist will formulate a blend of essential oils for your specialised needs. 

Consultations last about 10 minutes, afterwhich the massage will begin. You can either book a full body massage or localised / specialist massages particular to your problem. 


Essential oils are highly concentrated plant essences. Each oil contains different natural chemical compoiunds that can be used in a holistic and in combination with other treatments to relieve pain, muscle spasms, stiffness, depression, insomnia, asthma, congestion, hypertension,  hormonal imbalance and many more.

Essential oils can have  purifying, calming, aphrodisiac, antibacterial, soothing and even euphoric effects on the mind and body.  During an Aromatherapy massage, these work  in two ways : 

  • Through inhalation,  the oils blended specially for you will create calming and relaxing aromas and environs, taking your sensory levels to a different space within your mind.
  • Essential oils also penetrate the skin and move quickly into your bloodstream, loosening any muscle spasms, easing general aches and pains 

Massages with CMH are not time specific, but rather depend on the ailments and each customers responses to massage. They can be area specific and last 20 minutes or a full body general massage lasting 45minutes to an hour.

After the massage, most of our customers need rest and sleep. Be sure to add extra rejuvination time to bask in the glow of CMHs special massages!